
Agenda for 9 January 2023 Meeting

Upper Poppleton Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on January 3, 2023

Notice is hereby given that there will be a MEETING of the UPPER POPPLETON PARISH COUNCIL in the POPPLETON CENTRE, MAIN STREET, UPPER POPPLETON at 7.00pm on MONDAY, 9 JANUARY 2023 to consider the business set out below.
From 6.00pm to 7.00pm Professor Holmes from the Haxby Group Practice will be attending to answer questions regarding the Old Forge Surgery
23.001 – To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest (not previously declared) on any matters of business
23.002 – To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting
23.003 – To consider the approval of reasons given for absence
23.004 – To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 November 2022
23.006 – To receive the City of York Councillor’s report – for information only
23.007 – Planning Applications
(a) To consider the following Planning Applications: –
• Ref: 22/02154/FUL – Single-storey side extension following demolition of existing garage at Brackenhill, Main Street, YO26 6DL
• Ref: 22/02195/FUL – Erection of 2no. detached dwellings and garages with associated driveways, parking and infrastructure at Former Parkside Cottage Millfield Lane
• Ref: 22/02335/TCA – Re-pollard 1no. Lime tree in a Conservation Area at 3 Beech Grove, YO26 6DS
• Ref: 22/02344/OUTM – Outline application for residential development of up to 70no. dwellings and associated infrastructure with all matters reserved except access at Atkiro Oaktree Nursery, Boroughbridge Road, YO26 6QB.
• Ref: 22/02435/FUL – First floor rear extension at 17 Beech Grove, YO26 6DS.
• Ref: 22/02590/FUL – First floor side extension and single-storey rear extension and replacement canopy to front (resubmission) at 16 Fairway Drive, YO26 6HE.
(b) To note Local Authority Planning Decisions
23.008 – Finance
(a) To receive a financial statement
(b) To agree accounts for payment
(c) To receive a report on income received
(d) To agree to pay a proportion of the Clerk’s SLCC subscription (£97.23)
(e) To consider requests for grants for 2023-24 from
i. All Saints Church – grass cutting (£2,200)
ii. All Saints Church – installation of a composting area (£200)
iii. All Saints Church – Replacing two trees (£850)
iv. Millennium Green Trust (£750)
v. Moat Fields Management Group (£1,500 capital expenditure, £500 non-capital expenditure)
vi. Poppleton Community Trust (£5,000)
vii. Poppleton Luncheon Club (£100)
viii. Poppleton Under Fives (£1,000)
ix. Poppleton Youth Action Group (£2,000)
(f) To agree the Budget for 2023-2024 and set the precept
23.009 – To consider matters relating to the Village Greens, Allotments and Guild Hut
(a) To consider a report from the Greens Working Group
(b) Trees including considering quotations for the work identified in the last tree survey
(c) Events
(d) Maintenance including
i. Agreeing the design of seats for installing on the Green
ii. The proposal to construct a pond on Chantry Green
iii. To agree to replace the bollard in front of the Co-op
(e) Allotments To agree the rent increase of 12.6% from 1 April 2023 in line with the RPI in September 2022
(f) Guild Hut
23.010 – To consider matters relating to Highways, Footpaths, Lampposts & Signs
(a) To receive an update on the possibility of converting the old coal yard at the station into a car park
(b) To consider reports on vandalism
(c) To receive other reports
23.011 – To consider Councillor & Clerk training
23.012 – To consider any future development of the Blairgowrie estate
23.013- To receive Committees’ Representatives Reports
(a) King Charles III Coronation on 6 May 2023
(b) Listed Buildings Working Group
(c) Model Farm easement project
(d) One Parish Council for Poppleton Working Party
(e) Poppleton Community Trust
(f) Village Show
(g) YLCA York Branch
(h) Youth Club
(i) Any other meeting
23.014 – To receive a report on Village Policing
23.015 -To receive the Clerk’s Report on progress on the following:
(a) Filling the potholes at the entrance to the Lord Collingwood car park (Min. 22.172(d)iv)
(b) Planting the Jubilee oak tree (Min. 22.172(b)ii
(c) Repairs to the railings opposite the tennis courts in Main Street (Min. 22.173(c))
(d) Setting up a formal approval process for use of the Green (Min. 22.181(b))
(e) The installation of the seat to commemorate Ilene Wilson (Min. 22.153(c)iv)
23.016 – To note correspondence received
23.017 – To note forthcoming meetings
23.018 – To consider Minor Matters
23.019 – To consider new items for the next agenda
23.020 – To agree the date of next meeting
Posted 3 January 2023 Signed James Mackman
James Mackman, Clerk 39 Calder Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6RG
Tel: 01904 399277 – email