There is great sense of Community within Poppleton and there is always something to do, get involved with, create a new hobby or interest.
The Poppleton Centre in Poppleton is proud to serve the people of the community in many ways. There are many clubs and societies that are run from the centre including for example but not exclusively, Art Classes, Bridge, Lacemaking, Scrabble and WEA courses in literature, art, and film.
There are many sports opportunities for all ages and abilities including, Badminton, Bowls, Football ( from 7-70) Cricket, Tennis, including tennis coaching by appointment.
Opportunities to Keep fit,Pilates, Stretch and mobility walking netball and Yoga.
All classes and timetables for classes are available on the Community Centre Website
or by contacting the Community Centre Manager,
Beth Kirkham. telephone 01904 797478