
Agenda for 15 July 2024 Planning Meeting

Nether Poppleton Planning Committee Agendas Uploaded on July 11, 2024

Notice is hereby given that there will be a PLANNING MEETING of the NETHER POPPLETON PARISH COUNCIL in the POPPLETON CENTRE, MAIN STREET, UPPER POPPLETON at 7.00pm on MONDAY, 15 JULY 2024 to consider the business set out below.

24/174 – To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest (not previously declared) on any matters of business


24/176 – To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting

24/177 – To consider the approval of reasons given for absence

24/178 – To confirm the minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 17 June 2024

24/179 – Planning Applications
(a) To consider the following Planning Application: –
• Ref: 24/01060/TPO – Fell 2no. Ash trees – protected by Tree Preservation Order 1/1970 at Oak House, 5 Fox Garth, YO26 6LP.

(b) To note Local Authority Planning Decisions

24/180 – To receive a report from the Listed Buildings Working Group

24/181 – To note correspondence

24/182 – To agree the date of the next meeting

Posted 9 July 2024 Signed James Mackman

James Mackman, Clerk 39 Calder Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6RG
Tel: 01904 399277 – email: