
Agenda for 10 June 2024 Meeting

Upper Poppleton Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on June 4, 2024

Notice is hereby given that there will be a MEETING of the UPPER POPPLETON PARISH COUNCIL to be held at the Poppleton Centre, Main Street, York, at 7.00pm on Monday 10 June 2024 to consider the business set out below.


24.112 – To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest (not previously declared) on any matters of business

24.113 – To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting

24.114 – To consider the approval of reasons given for absence

24.115 – To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 May 2024

24.116 – To receive the City of York Councillor’s report – for information only


24.118 – Planning Applications
(a) To consider the following Planning Applications
• Ref: 24/00795/FUL – Variation of conditions 2 (approved plans), 11 (cycle parking) and 16 (drainage) of permitted application 23/02169/FUL (Change of use of 3no. existing agricultural buildings to use classes B2, B8 and E(g) to include; lighting, amendments to external materials and fenestration and additional hard standing to create new service yards, parking and access. Extension of Cropton Road to provide access to development from Northminster Business Park) at Northminster Business Park, Cropton Road.

• Ref: 24/00804/FUL – Erection of 1no. detached dwelling to side at 13 Bankside Close, YO26 6LH.

• Ref: 24/00819/ERC – Change of use from cafe (use class E) to 1no. dwellinghouse (use class C3) under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (as amended) – Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA at Poppleton Lakes, Boroughbridge Road, YO26 8JU.

• Ref: 24/00850/FUL – Variation of conditions 2 and 4 of permitted application 23/00742/FUL to amend the approved plans and elevations at Poppleton Community Centre, Main Street, YO26 6JT.

(b) To note Local Authority Planning Decisions

24.119 – Finance
(a) To receive a financial statement
(b) To note accounts for payment
(c) To receive a report on income received
(d) To agree to release the £750.00 provided in the 2024-25 budget for the Millennium Green Trust

(e) To agree to release the £5,000.00 provided in the 2024-25 budget for the Poppleton Community Trust
(f) To consider increasing the Contingency reserve
(g) To agree to update the Financial Regulations

24.120 – To consider matters relating to the Village Greens, Allotments and Guild Hut
(a) Trees – including consideration of the tree policy for the Greens

(b) Events

(c) Maintenance including: –
i. Replacing the pump at the corner of Lime Garth
ii. Biodiversity and how the Parish Council should be involved
iii. Future plans for Chantry Green
iv. Considering a request from Northern Powergrid to run a cable underneath the Green
v. Considering the future of the “Vanstone” seat in front of the Methodist Chapel
vi. Considering the replacement for the “Selby” seat in front of the Methodist Chapel
vii. Improving the aesthetics of the hedge in front of the Lord Collingwood car park

(d) Allotments

(e) Guild Hut

24.121 – To consider matters relating to Highways, Footpaths, Lampposts & Signs
(a) Reports on vandalism
(b) Relocation of the Dikelands Lane notice board on the Library railings
(c) The proposed footpath across the grass opposite the Library
(d) A contract for cleaning the bus shelter opposite the Library
(e) To receive other reports

24.122– To consider Councillor and Clerk Training

24.123 – To discuss the progress in creating one parish council for Poppleton

24.124 – To receive Committees’ Representatives Reports
(a) Listed Buildings Working Group
(b) Poppleton Children’s Sports Day
(c) Poppleton Community Trust
(d) Village Show
(e) YLCA York Branch
(f) Youth Club

(g) Any other meeting

24.125 – To receive a report on Village Policing

24.126 -To receive the Clerk’s Report on progress on the following:
The easement for vehicular access to Lyndhurst, Hodgson Lane (Min. 24.106b)

24.127 – To note correspondence received

24.128 – To note forthcoming meetings

24.129 – To consider Minor Matters

24.130 – To consider new items for the next agenda

24.131 – To agree the date of next meeting


Posted 4 June 2024

Signed James Mackman

James Mackman, Clerk 39 Calder Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6RG

Tel: 01904 399277 – email

*Members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda can do so. Each resident will be allowed a maximum of three minutes. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Clerk at the address below. The deadline for registering is 6.00pm on Friday 7 June 2024