Village Design Statement

Village Design Statement

The Village Design Statement (2003)

The Village Design Statement  (VDS) cover the two parishes of Nether and Upper Poppleton and is aimed at local people, planners, designers and developers.

The Aim of the statement is to manage change in the village, not to prevent it.  Future development should be sympathetic, unobtrusive and in keeping with its surroundings.

The Full Document can be seen here:

The Guidelines on design are aimed to maintain the balance of buildings to ensure that the population needs are met.

  • New development should seek to provide a range of house types in order to maintain the population mix in Poppleton.
  • To maintain the village’s rural character/atmosphere, there should be green and open land between Poppleton and York.  this is not only important for Poppleton but for York so that it remains a contained and attractive city rather than being surrounding by unsightly urban sprawl. Expansion of Poppleton outside the existing curtilage towards the Ring Road, and other principal road links such as the A 59 should be discouraged.
  • Penetrations of green and trees from adjacent agricultural land into the village core must be protected and maintained to ensure a continued abundance of wildlife.
  • Ancient hedgerows in the village should be identified, registered and protected.  The planting of native broad leaf trees and shrubs, together with the re-introduction of hedges both within and on the outskirts of the existing village envelope should be encouraged to protect wildlife, screen noise , and maintain natural landscape.
  • The importance and relevance of the Conservation Areas should be maintained.  Development should reflect and respect existing character in size, scale, materials, layout and landscape.
  • Listed Buildings and their surrounding environment must be fully considered when contemplating new build and / or alteration to buildings not Listed when they are adjacent.
  • Scale, design and materials etc must all be considered and be sympathetic.
  • The existing character and traditions must be appreciated when contemplating new development, whatever its size or purpose.  Whilst imaginative and original design is encouraged one must consider the setting.
  • Contemporary design should complement and be in sympathy with existing building character.
  • The use of bland fencing such as interwoven and lap as a quick fix boundary should be discouraged. Adopting more traditional boundaries such as hedging, low brick, wrought iron and post and rial should be encouraged.
  • Adequate parking spaces should be provided within the curtilage of the property to avoid on-street parking. Vehicles should be concealed as far as possible.
  • Space should be maintained around dwelling to avoid the loss of soft landscaping.
  • Avoid the use of flat felt covering roofing on new buildings and extensions.  Encourage the use of pitched roofing with a covering to match existing/ adjacent roof materials when repairing/renewing existing flat roofs.
  • Every effort should be made to support and prevent the loss of the excellent facilities in Poppleton, which help to maintain the strong community spirit.
  • All brownfield sites should be developed before there is any further use of greenfield sites.
  • The attractive green corridor approach to York along the A59 should be protected and development along this road should be discouraged.
  • Measures should be taken to ensure that only traffic requiring local access passes through the village, retaining its character and safety.  Possibly “local access only” traffic signs could be erected on all entrances to the village.
  • Poppleton should be protected from pollution by the upgrading of the drainage system.
  • Street furniture should be sympathetic to its location. Careful repair, conservation and protection of the existing water pumps should be continued.
  • Street lighting levels should be kept to the minimum residential level lighting standard.  Lamp posts should not exceed 5 metres in height. Private residents and businesses protecting their property with security lighting including PIR detection should be award of possible nuisance for neighbours › NetherPoppleton-PC