There are a number of buses in the village:
- Number 10 Bus links to York approximately every 30 minutes (check timetables at the bus stops)
- Number 59 Bus Park and Ride from Poppleton Bar on the A59, Upper Poppleton goes to York Dungeon
- Number 22 and 23 Bus to Knaresborough, Harrogate and Ripon from A 59 (operated by Transdev)
- Number 2 Park and Ride from Rawcliffe Bar goes to Museum Gardens
- From Park and Ride at Rawcliffe Bar there is a bus to the York District Hospital every 20 minutes
The below gives links to York bus operator First’s website:
stops are used when there is flooding (as buses cannot pass Main Street by the river)
Monday to Saturday Timetable:
The train to Harrogate leaves Poppleton at 15 minutes past the hour
The train to York leaves Poppleton at the half hour each hour
Please be very mindful of the problems of poor parking on Station Road around the station.
There is also an array of information about transport on the below York website:
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