Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

Aims of the Neighbourhood Plan

The full documentation of the REFERENDUM VERSION Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed:


The aim of the Plan is to manage change in the village and designated area, not to prevent it.  Future development should be sympathetic, unobtrusive and in keeping with its rural environment and the surroundings.  It should:

  • Maintain the historic character, setting and identity of Nether and Upper Poppleton village core.
  • Manage the growth of new development of housing and employment within the parished areas.
  • Ensure that new development is built to be sustainable and commensurate with the rural setting.
  • Ensure that any brown field sites are developed with the amenities, facilities and road structures that will allow, maintain and enhance the identity of the community.
  • Promote development of brownfield sites as a priority over any Greenfield site or grade 1, grade 2 or grade 3a agricultural land classification ( ACL)


Amenities definition,, pleasantness,pleasant green surroundings, open spaces, recreational area.

Facilities  : doctors, schools, shops, recreational areas

Natural England recommendations

Summary of the Policies

Green Belt Policy PNP1

The general extent of the York Green Belt within the plan area is shown on the Policies Map

Within the general extent of the Green Belt inappropriate development will not be supported except in very special circumstances.   New buildings are regarded as inappropriate development and will not be supported other than in the circumstances identified in  paragraph 89 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Proposed developments for the following uses will be supported provided that they preserve the openness of the general extent of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land in the Green Belt:

  • Mineral extraction;
  • Engineering Operations;
  • Local Transport Infrastructure that can demonstrate a requirement for a Green Belt location;
  • The reuse of buildings provided that the buildings are of permanent and substantial construction; and
  • Development brought forward under a Community Right to Build Order.


Green Infrastructure Policy PNP 2

The Green Infrastructure within and surrounding Upper and Nether Poppleton as shown on the Policies Map will be safeguarded. Proposals for their enhancement will be supported.

Development that would harm the integrity or appearance of the Green Infrastructure will not be supported

Conservation Areas Policy PNP 3

All proposals for development in the Upper Poppleton and Nether Poppleton Conservation Areas should preserve or enhance their special character or appearance.

All development and land within the Conservation areas should protect the open character and heritage assets of the village as set out in the conservation area character assessment for the relevant conservation area as included at Appendix C of this Plan.

Village Design Statement PNP 4

Proposals for development within the villages of Upper Poppleton and Nether Poppleton will be supported where they bring forward high quality design appropriate to their character and appearance.  All new developments within the settlement limits of the villages should respect the Design Guidelines

Cycle and Pedestrian Access Policy PNP 5

Improved and extended cycle and pedestrian access to and from the village in relation to Manor Academy, local villages and the City will be supported.

Housing Policy PNP 6A Development with Upper Poppleton and Nether Poppleton

Within the settlement limit of the two villages as shown on the Policies Map proposals for the subdivision of an existing dwelling or for the construction of a single dwelling within the curtilage of a domestic property will be supported where the proposals are:

In character with the surrounding development;

  • Designed to safeguard the amenities of existing residential properties;
  • Designed to provide appropriate elements of garden and amenity space;


  • Designed to provide appropriate levels of parking and vehicular access to the City of York Council standards at the time of application.

Housing Policy PNP 6B  Conversion of Existing Buildings to residential use

Insofar as planning permission is required the conversion of buildings of permanent and substantial construction to residential use will be supported provided that it can be demonstrated that the conversion of the building will not generate the demand for a replacement building in the future and is in accordance with Green Belt policy in the National Planning Framework Policy

Housing Policy PNP 6 C

The following sites shown on the Policies Map are allocated for residential use:

H 1 : Former British Sugar Site Millfield Lane

H2: Land at Long Ridge Lane Upper Poppleton

H3: Land at Blairgowrie, Main Street Upper Poppleton

Housing Policy PNP 6 D

Proposals for the redevelopment of the existing buildings on the Blairgowrie site will be supported subject to the following criteria:

  • They preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the Upper Poppleton conservation area;
  • Replacement buildings are of a similar scale, location and mass to the existing buildings; and
  • The existing mature trees and landscaping elements of the site are protected and used as an integral part of the layout and design.

Housing Policy 6E

Proposals for the residential development of the Former British Sugar Site will be supported subject to the following criteria:

They  include a mix of housing types;

They provide amenities, outdoor sport and recreational facilities; and

They provide a principal access point off the Boroughbridge Road

Business and Employment Policy PNP 7A

Proposals for new business development on established business parks in the Plan Area will be supported where they provide car parking for staff and customers to City of York Council standards at the time of the determination of the applications.

Education Safeguarding  land at Manor Academy Policy PNP 8A

Site Ed 1 on the Policies map for future school playing fields, allotments and woodland expansion

Education  Safeguarding of Land for Buffer Stripe to South of Manor Academy Policy PNP 8B

A buffer zone on the grade 2 agricultural land to the east of the school will be safeguarded, landscaped and planted to ensure that adequate separation and privacy is maintained between the school, the agricultural field,  and development to the south which may arise following the adoption of the City of York Local Plan.

Land to the north of the Poppleton Tigers Junior Football Ground Millfield Land  PNP 9A

Land to the north of the Poppleton Tigers Junior Football Ground, Millfield Lane,  shown as R1 on the Policies Map, will be reserved for development as a recreational open space.

Land adjacent to the Community Centre PNP 9 B

Land adjacent to the Community Centre as shown as R 2 on the policies map is  reserved for development as a play area)

Non- land use proposals   PNP 11

New developments that are within the plan area ( with particular reference to large scale housing developments such as former British Sugar Site) will be  particularly supported when Renewable Energy Technology is evident.  Developers may also wish to consider Building Regulations with regard to energy conservation and use of renewable energy technology as follows :- harvesting of rain water and storm run-off, grey water recycling,   porous surface provision wherever appropriate, solar photovoltaics for energy capture and high standard insulation of floors, walls, and roofs to reduce energy consumption.[1]

Tree planting and landscaping at land to the north-east of Dutton Farm  PNP 12

Proposals for the restoration and reinstatement of land at Dutton Farm as shown on the Policies Map should respect its location within the general extent of the York Green Belt.  Proposals should include details of indigenous tree planting and landscaping and details of initiatives to re-establish wildlife habitats.

[1] The Council Renewable Energy Study ( 2014) undertaken by AMEC.

The full set of document relating to the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum version 2017 can be viewed on