York Local Plan

York Local Plan

City of York Policies for the 2020 Local Plan. For specific areas relevant to Poppleton and the Poppleton Neighbourhood Plan.

Policy SS 4           Strategic Sites Development pg 55

All Strategic Sites identified on the key diagram proposal map, dependent on their composition and mix will be expected to reflect the following development principles.

  • To create a sustainable, balanced community through provision of an appropriated range of housing.,
  • To ensure that social infrastructure requirements of the new community are met through provision of facilities and services in a planned and phased manner which complements and integrates with existing facilities.
  • To maximize the benefits of sustainable economic growth for the local community
  • To ensure the highest standards of sustainability are embedded at all staged of the development
  • To create a high quality, locally distinctive place which related well to the surrounding area and its historic character, and exploits opportunities for creating new and enhancing existing key view.
  • To create a people friendly environment which promotes opportunities for social and community interaction.
  • To deliver new development within a framework of linked multifunctional green infrastructure incorporating existing landscape areas and biodiversity value, and maximizing linkages with the wider green infrastructure network.
  • To maximize integration, connectivity and accessibility to and from the site giving priority to sustainable travel options.
  • To ensure as many trips as possible are able to be taken by sustainable travel modes and to promote and facilitate modal shirt from the car to sustainable forms of travel by maximizing opportunities for walking, cycling and public transport
  • To minimize the environmental impact of vehicle trips to and from the development and mitigate the impact of residual car trips on the highway network where possible.


Policy SS 5 The Role of York’s Green Belt  pg 61

  • The primary purpose of the Green Belt is to preserve the setting and the special character of York. It also has a recognised role in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment, New building in the Green Belt is inappropriate unless it is for one of the exceptions set out in policy GB1.
  • The general extent of the Green Belt is shown in the Key Diagram Detail boundaries shown on the proposals map follow readily recognisable physical features that are likely to endure such as streams, hedgerows and highways.
  • To ensure that there is a degree of permanence beyond the plan period sufficient land is allocated for development to meet the needs identified in the plan and further land is safeguarded to provide a reserve of land that can be brought forward for development through a plan review, should such land be required. Planning permission for development on safeguarded land will only be granted following a plan review.

EMP 5   Business and Industrial Uses within Residential Areas. P86

The proposals for new or to extend or change the use of existing business and industrial premises within residential areas will only be permitted where they will not significantly harm the amenity of the surrounding area.

Where appropriate, improvement will be sought which enable

  1. Harmful uses within the site to be relocated or removed altogether
  2. The appearance of existing buildings to be improved.
  3. Boundary screening to be provided or improved and
  4. Site layout and access to be altered. Planning conditions or legal agreements will be used, where appropriate, to ensure that any improvements are implemented before the new development is brought into use.

Policy H1             The Scale of Housing growthp105

In order to meet the needs and aspirations of present and future residents of the City of York and to support a thriving economy, the Local Plan will make provision for at least 21,936 dwellings in the period 1 October 2012 to 31 March 2030.

This will support the delivery of  minimum annual housing target of 1090 dwellings per annum over the plan period to 2030 with an additional land supply buffer of 15% taking the annual housing target to 1250 per annum, to provide a realistic prospect of achieving the planned supply an to ensure choice and competition in the market for land.  The phasing and delivery of sites will be monitored through the Councils .Annual Monitoring Report.

Provision to meet this requirement will be made as follows.

Sites with planning permission or part completed as at 01/10/12)                              3231

Strategic Housing Allocation ( Sites of 5 Ha)                                                                          11,982

New Settlement                                                                                                                              5580

Housing Allocations ( Sites under 5 Ha)                                                                                   2057


Within the supply identified above the Strategic Housing Allocation and New Settlement highlighted on the Key Diagram and the proposals map make the following contribution to the overall housing supply.

ST1         Former British Sugar/Manor School Sites                                              998 (1100)

ST2         Former Civil Service Sports Ground Millfield Lane                              308 (270)


Policy H2             Existing Housing Commitments.p107

Housing development will be approved on sites where an existing planning permission lapses during the Plan period providing that the proposal meets the requirements of the relevant policies in this Plan and that there has been no material changed in circumstances that precludes development and the landowner/developer indicates that development is expected to take place within the permission timescales. Existing housing commitments include the following strategics sites ( over 5ha)




H3          Housing Allocations. P108

ST 1        British Sugar/Manor School 35.65Ha                                        998(1100)

ST 2        Former Civil Service Sports Ground 11Ha                               308 (271)

H36        Land at Blairgowrie 1.5 Ha                                                            36 (1)

H45        Land adj 131 Longridge Lane Nether Poppleton                 5 (2)


H4          Density of Residential Development P 114

Housing development should make efficient use of land and conserve resources, particularly in and around the City Centre and other sustainable locations where there is good access to frequent public transport services and local facilities

The density of new development should be informed by the character of the local area and contribute to:

The design objectives and policy requirements set out in Section 15 Design and Historic Environment;

Improving the mix of house types in accordance with Policy ACHM2 (Housing Mix);

Providing adequate levels of public open space as set out in Policy GI 14 and GI 15 (Green Infrastructure)

Retaining as far as possible existing site features, including mature trees, hedgerows and amenity areas.

Subject to the above densities (dwelling per hectare will vary according to the location of the development with the following a guide to the average density levels by location –

Rural and village 30 dwellings per hectare.


Policy ACHM 2 Housing Mix p 124

The Council will aim to deliver an overall mix of 70% houses to 30% flats over the plan period. In order to facilitate this development of strategic housing sites will only be permitted where the form of development achieves a minimum of 70% houses

Policy CF 2  Community FacilityiesP 141

In meeting any future demand for built sports facilities the preferred approach is through extension and expansion of existing high quality sustainable sites in the first instance.  New facilities will be supported provided they are meeting an identified gap in provisional accessible to all and suitable infrastructure exists or can be created to managed and maintain the facility. Any new facilities must be sited in accessible locations within the areas of deficiency which are well served and lined by public transport and easily accessible to walking and cycling.

Proposal will be refused which fail to protect exiting community facilities or involve the loss of facilities unless it can be demonstrat3d the use is no longer, or cannot be made, viable or equivalent alternative provision can be made.


Policy EST 3 Education Skills and Training. P149

Community Access to Sports and Cultural Facilities on Education Sites

The development of new high quality education and related facilities which propose community use of their facilities will be expected.  Through the development process agreements for wider community access to existing sports and cultural facilities on all education site will be secured, unless a local sufficiency can be demonstrated. The loss of existing community access will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that there is no continuing demand from the community for the facilities or alternative provision can be made.


Policy  DHE 2 Design and Historic Environment Historic Assets P164

Development proposal will be encouraged and supported where they are

Designed to conserve, enhance and add value to the special qualities and significance of York’s historic environment, including designated and non-designated heritage assets and their setting.

Accompanied by detailed evidence based analysis that set out how the development will better revel the significance of the heritage assets for public benefit and

Accompanied by a detailed evidence based heritage statement of significance that either explains how the significance of heritage assets likely to be affected by development will not be substantially harmed, or that the public benefits of development clearly outweigh the harm.



Policy DHE 3 Landscape and Setting p165

Development proposals will be encouraged and supported where they

  • Demonstrate a detailed evidence based understanding of landscape character and setting including individual significant natural and historic features such as land for mature trees, hedges and historic boundaries.
  • Conserve and enhance landscape quality and character, and the public’s experience of it and make a positive contribution to York’s special qualities.
  • Create opportunities to enhance the public use and enjoyment of existing and proposed streets and open spaces.
  • Successfully maintains and manages, significant existing landscape features including mature trees, hedges and historic boundaries.
  • Include substantial, sustainable, practical and high quality soft and hard landscapes details and planting proposals that are clearly evidence based and make a positive contribution to the character of streets and spaces.
  • Take full account of issues and recommendations in the York LANDSCAPE Character Appraisal
  • Avoids an adverse impact on intrinsically dark landscapes and landscapes and townscapes sensitive to excessive light pollution, keeping the visual presence of light fixtures and finishes to a minimum, avoiding light spill and sodium lighting
  • Attain an appropriate aesthetic and functional proportional relationship of scale between building and open space, garden or street

Policy DHE 6 Conservation Areas P167

Development proposal within conservation areas will be supported where they

Are designed to conserve and enhance the special character and appearance of the conservation area and its setting including key views and

Are accompanied by an appropriate evidence based assessment of the conservation area’s special qualities, proportionate to the size and impact of the development and sufficient to ensure that impacts of the proposals are clearly understood.

Outline planning applications within or adjacent to conservation area will be not be supported

Change of use will be supported when it has been demonstrated that the primary use can no longer be sustained, where the proposed new used would not significantly harm the special qualities and significance of the place and where proposed changed of use will enhance and add value.

Consent will be resisted for the demolition of building which make a positive contribution to the conservation area.


Policy DHE  7 Listed buildings p 169

Proposal affecting listed buildings (designated heritage assets) will be supported where they

Conserve, enhance and add value to the special architectural or historic interest of the building and its setting, including key views, approaches and aspects of the immediate and wider environment that are intrinsic to its value and significance

Are accompanied by an evidence based heritage statement which includes a statement of significance proportionate to the scale and nature of the proposed works.

Alterations and extensions to listed buildings will generally be supported when they do not harm the special architectural or historic interest of the building or its setting and when proposals have clear and convincing justification, including beneficial uses of redundant or ‘at risk’ building , and sympathetic proposals for carbon reduction.

As the propose of listing a building is to conserve ti for future generations, demolition would be wholly exceptional, , requiring the strongest justification.




Green Infrastructure  p181

Quote Green Infrastructure is the term used for the overarching framework related to all green assets.  Traditionally, environmental planning has looked at the functions of these assets in isolation, such as biodiversity, open space provision or public realm design. Whilst we should not devalue the benefits of looking at these issues individually, a green  infrastructure approach considers how together these assets form an overall’ system that is greater than the sum of its overall parts.

Policy GI 1 Green Infrastructure P 181

The Local Plan will conserve and enhance York’s landscape, geodiversity, biodiversity and natural environment, recognising the role of Green Infrastructure in supporting healthy communities, cultural value a buoyant economy and aiding resilience to climate change. This will be delivered through the following.

The production of management plans to describe, protect and enhance York’s biodiversity, especially Council owned sites, with priority given to those designated as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation ( SINCs)

Delivering the aspirations of partner strategy documents and action plans, including the Regional Biodiversity Strategy, Regional Forestry Strategy and Action Plan River Basin Management Plans, Priority Woodland Habitat Management Plans and any other plans formally approved by the Council as part of our green infrastructure Programme

Protecting and enhancing existing recreational open space in York and seeking to increase provision in areas where a deficiency has been identified.

Maintaining the integrity of green corridors and their role in the GI network.

Recognising the role that Common Land, Village Greens and other important local green spaces play in protecting and enhancing the historic character of York as well as providing important recreational and nature conservation benefits to the city and

Requiring applicants to submit green infrastructure assessments with all but minor applications

Ensuring that development complies with the emerging City of York Council green infrastructure strategy and any associated SPD’s


Policy G16 Green Corridors

The Local Plan will support development which

Maintains and enhances the integrity and management of York’s Green Infrastructure network, including the green corridors and open spaces

Protects and enhances the amenity experience and surrounding biodiversity value of existing wrights of way, national trails and open access land and

Ensures that protection of the hierarchy and integrity of York’s local, district and regional green corridors in line with the findings of the Local Biodiversity Action Plan

Creates and/or enhances ‘stepping stones’ and new Green Corridors that improves links between nature conservation sites and other open space.

Local Context

The City of York Local Authority area covers approximately 27,200 ha. Of this around 4500ha is built up area, with the remainder being open countryside. The majority of this open countryside is defined as Green Belt land within the City Plan.

Policy GB 1 Green Belt. P 191

Within the Green Belt, planning permission for development will only be granted where:

The scale, location and design of such development would not detract from the open character of the Green Belt.

It would not conflict with the purpose of including land within the Green Belt, and

It would not prejudice the setting and special character of the main urban area of the City of York and Historic villages, particularly as seen from transport corridors


Agriculture and forestry or

Appropriate facilities for outdoor sport and outdoor recreations of cemeteries or

Limited infilling in existing settlement s or

Limited extension, alteration or replacement of existing buildings, or

Limited affordable housing for proven local needs or limited infilling or redevelopment of existing developed sites or

Mineral extraction provided high environmental standards area attainable or

Essential engineering operations including waste disposal or

Local transport infrastructure including highways work and park and ride facilities or the reuse of buildings or development brought forward under a community Right to Build Order or

Renewable energy schemes where it can be proved that the location is necessary for technical reasons and wider environmental benefits can be demonstrated

All other forms of development within the Green Belt are considered inappropriate. Very special circumstance will be require to justify instances where this presumption against development should not apply.


Policy FR 3 P 210 Ground water Management

New development will not be permitted to allow outflow from ground water and/or land drainage to enter public sewers.

Existing land drainage systems within new development should be adequately maintained.


Policy CC2 Sustainable Design and Construction

All new development will be expected to make carbon savings through reducing energy demand, using energy and other resources efficiently and by generating low carbon/renewable energy in accordance with the energy hierarchy.

Policy T 5 Strategic Cycle and Pedestrian Network Links and Improvements. P261

Strategic cycle and pedestrian network links and improvements, as listed below and shown on the Proposal Map, will be implemented in accordance with the timescales shown to encourage nodal shift away from private motor vehicle use to more active and sustainable modes of transport.

Sort term (2013-2019) Pedestrian/ cycling link from the former British Sugar site to York Central via Water end.


Medium Term (2015-2024)

Pedestrian/ cycle bridges across the York-Harrogate -Leeds rail line and the East Coast Main Line to facilitate movement between the former British Sugar Site, York Business Park and the west bank of the River Ouse ( including a potential tram-train halt in the vicinity of the York Business Park.

P277 Infrastructure and Developer Contributions