Nether Poppleton Parish Council
Budget Year to 31 March 2025
Audit Fees £310
Bank Charges £100
Chairman’s Expenses £50
Clerk’s Salary £9,875
Employers National Insurance £100
Information Commissioner £35
Insurance £750
Neighbourhood Plan £100
Room Hire £320
Stationery/Post/Phones £200
Subscriptions £700
Training & Courses £250
Travel Expenses £30
Website Development £175
Bus Shelter Windows Cleaned £80
Defibrillator Expenses £100
Grounds Maintenance £3,000
Repairs & Renewals £500
Repairs to Cartsheds £200
Repairs to notice boards £200
Repairs to seats £200
Trees/Hedges £3,000
Wildlife Trust £400
Defibrillator Fund – Public Health Act 1936 – s 234 £400
Millennium Green Trust – Public Health Act 1875 s164 £1,250
Moat Fields – Open Spaces Act 1906 £1,000
Poppleton Community Trust LGA 1976 s 19 £5,000
Poppleton Luncheon Club – LGA 1972 s 137 £100
Poppleton Under Fives – LGA 1972 s137 £1,250
Remembrance Day – LGA 1972 s137 £500
St Everilda’s Church – Grass LGA 1972, s 214(6) £1,950
Youth Club – LGA 1976 s 19 (1) d, e, f £2,200
Access Over Common Land £20
Bus Shelter Grant £264
Cartshed Rent £480
Grass Cutting Allowance £1,408
Gross Interest £300
Moat Fields Grant £2,000
Seats Grant £50
Trees Grant £3,500
Wayleave £3
PRECEPT £27,000
Surplus £700