Planning Applications and how they are handled
Nether and Upper Poppleton Parish Councils do not actually decide on Planning
Applications but discuss all applications at monthly meetings and give recommendations to
City of York Council (CYC). You can see the details of the applications we have discussed
and will discuss in the minutes and agendas on the Nether (third) and Upper (fourth) tabs.
The best way to find more detail of a planning application is to put details (either the planning
reference number or just the street name) into the search bar on the CYC website:
You can find out a lot more about the process on the below link:
Planning decisions are either made by CYC officers under their devolved powers or by a
committee of councillors, with the latter making their decisions based on officer advise at a
public meeting. Smaller applications will be decided by officers but larger applications or
those of specific interest can go to committee if they are ‘called in’ by the ward councillors.
The size of the application also affects how long the decision process will take. Often the
Parish Council will play a key part in the ward councillor calling an application in. CYC has
two Planning Committees, the main Planning Committee and the Area Planning Committee,
with the link to this last one (where most Poppleton decisions would go) below:
Whether a decision is made by officers or councillors at a committee your Nether and Upper
Poppleton Parish Councillors will make their views known to them whether a simple ‘support’
or ‘no objection’ to a detailed series of comments on concerns like traffic, the size of
buildings or the impact on the Greenbelt. We are therefore keen to hear your views whether
at our monthly Planning Meetings or by emails to the clerk at