
Agenda for 13 May 2024 Meeting

Upper Poppleton Parish Council Agendas Uploaded on May 7, 2024

Notice is hereby given that there will be a MEETING of the UPPER POPPLETON PARISH COUNCIL to be held at the Poppleton Centre, Main Street, York, at 7.30pm on Monday 13 May 2024 to consider the business set out below.

24.087 – To elect a Chairman

24.088 – To receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Office

24.089 – To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting

24.090 – To consider the approval of reasons given for absence

24.091 – Annual Appointments
(a) Vice-Chairman
(b) Greens Working Group
(c) Listed Building Working Group
(d) One Parish Council for Poppleton Working Party
(e) Neighbourhood Planning Group
(f) Poppleton Children’s Sports Day
(g) Poppleton Community Trust Observers
(h) Poppleton Moat Fields Management Group
(i) Poppleton Youth Action Group Representative
(j) Village Show Working Group
(k) Yorkshire Local Councils Associations Representatives (2)

24.092 – To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest (not previously declared) on any matters of business

24.093 – To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting

24.094 – To consider the approval of reasons given for absence

24.095 – To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 April 2024

24.096 – To receive the City of York Councillor’s report – for information only


24.098 – Planning Applications
(a) To consider the following Planning Applications
• Ref: 24/00526/FUL – Two-storey side extension with single-storey front projection, front porch canopy extension, and single storey rear extension at 155 Long Ridge Lane, YO26 6HA.

• Ref: 24/00672/FUL – Raising of roofline to create additional storey with 4no. dormers and render to all elevations at Mill Race Bungalow, Main Street, YO26 6JX.
• Ref: 24/00754/TPO – Fell 1no. Holly protected by Tree Preservation Order CYC 31 and 1no. Holm Oak (Tree in a Conservation Area) at York House, Hodgson Lane, YO26 6EA.

(b) To note Local Authority Planning Decisions

24.099 – Finance
(a)  To receive a financial statement
(b) To note accounts for payment
(c) To receive a report on income received
(d) To renew the Parish Council’s insurance with Zurich (year two of a three-year deal)

24.100 – To consider matters relating to the Village Greens, Allotments and Guild Hut
(a) Trees including the work per the five-year survey
(b) Events
(c) Maintenance including: –

i. Replacing the pump at the corner of Lime Garth
ii. Biodiversity and how the Parish Council should be involved
iii. Future plans for Chantry Green

(d) Allotments
(e) Guild Hut

24.101 – To consider matters relating to Highways, Footpaths, Lampposts & Signs
(a) To consider reports on vandalism
(b) Relocation of the Dikelands Lane notice board on the Library railings
(c) The City’s proposed 40mph limit on the A59, Hodgson Lane and Black Dike Lane
(d) To receive other reports

24.102– To consider Councillor and Clerk Training

24.103 – To discuss the progress in creating one parish council for Poppleton

24.104 – To receive Committees’ Representatives Reports
(a) Listed Buildings Working Group
(b) Poppleton Children’s Sports Day
(c) Poppleton Community Trust
(d) Village Show
(e) YLCA York Branch
(f) Youth Club
(g) Any other meeting

24.105 – To receive a report on Village Policing

24.106 -To receive the Clerk’s Report on progress on the following:
(a) Drawing up of a tree policy for the Greens (Min. 24.081a)
(b) The easement for vehicular access to Lyndhurst, Hodgson Lane (Min. 24.081b)
(c) The mole problem on Chantry Green (Min. 24.081c)
(d) Flooding in the White Horse car park (Min. 24.081d)
(e) Collingwood car park entrance repairs (Min. 24.074ci)

24.107 – To note correspondence received

24.108 – To note forthcoming meetings

24.109 – To consider Minor Matters

24.110 – To consider new items for the next agenda

24.111 – To agree the date of next meeting

Posted 7 May 2024 Signed James Mackman

James Mackman, Clerk 39 Calder Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6RG
Tel: 01904 399277 – email