Notice is hereby given that there will be a MEETING of the NETHER POPPLETON PARISH COUNCIL in the POPPLETON CENTRE, MAIN STREET, UPPER POPPLETON at 7.15pm on MONDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER 2023 to consider the business set out below.
23/246 – To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary interest (not previously declared) on any matters of business
23/248 – To receive apologies for absence given in advance of the meeting
23/249 – To consider the approval of reasons given for absence
23/250 – To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 21 August 2023
23/251 – To receive a report from a City of York Councillor – for information only
23/252 – To receive the Clerk’s Report on progress on the following: –
Making the Long Ridge Lane/Millfield Lane junction more cycle friendly (Min. 23/222a)
Pruning back the branches of trees overhanging Somercote (Min. 23/222b)
Felling a dead sycamore by Riverside Walk (Min. 23/224bi)
Removing ivy from the end wall of the cartshed (Min. 23/224f(iii))
Lining the underside of the roof in two of the cartshed bays (Min. 23/224f(iv))
Removing the tall bush in the planter at the corner of Ebor Way and Allerton Drive (Min. 23/226b)
23/253 – Finance
To receive a financial statement
To note accounts for payment
To receive a report on income received
To consider releasing the £2,000 provided in the 2023-24 budget for Poppleton Youth Club
23/254 – Parish Council Land – To receive progress reports and make appropriate decisions on
Grass cutting.
The management of Warren Lea
The management of the Common Land including
Progressing the rectification of the damage to the riverbank next to Saxe Dane Lodge
To consider quotations for conducting the five-year tree survey
To agree pollarding two of the riverbank willows to allow a view of the Ouse upstream
Allerton Drive garden
The Moat Fields
The Cartsheds including –
Progress on the application for a Street Works Section 171 Licence for laying asphalt in front of the cartsheds
To consider repairing the underlining of the roof in the right-hand cartshed bay
The Wildlife Area
23/255 – To consider Councillor and Clerk Training